Common Concerns DUI Defendants May Have
Being arrested and charged with any crime is a serious matter. Unfortunately, while many people may assume that they will never face arrest, it can be remarkably easy for a person to face a DUI charge. When you encounter this legal problem, it is important for you to be as informed as possible when it comes to your rights so that you can give yourself the best chance of successfully contesting the charge.
3 Things To Know Before Getting A DUI
Do you like to go out for an occasional drink? Are you worried about getting arrested for a DUI, even if you aren't actually impaired? Being arrested when you've done nothing wrong is a big fear for many people. Unfortunately, you may not know how to properly protect yourself if you have the bad luck to be pulled over for something completely unrelated on the way home from a party. While you should obviously contact a DUI attorney as soon as possible, here are some things to keep in mind:
Pass A Breathalyzer Test? You May Still Be Charged With DUI
Many people believe that if they can successfully pass a breathalyzer test, then they can avoid being arrested for DUI. That's likely why there are a lot of dubious tips on how to fool a breathalyzer machine floating around on the internet. However, even if you do somehow manage to beat a breath test, you may still be taken in and charged with DUI. Here's what you need to know about this situation.
3 Factors To Look For When Choosing A Criminal Defense Lawyer
If you find yourself the defendant in a criminal suit, there is probably no question that you need an attorney. Although it is undoubtedly the case that you should find an attorney that specializes in criminal defense, what specific factors should you take into consideration when looking for such a lawyer? Read on and discover what you should be searching for in a criminal defense attorney. Do You Get Along?
Your DUI Case: When a Lawyer Can Help, and When a Lawyer May Not Be Necessary
Whether you've already had an arraignment for your DUI case or you've just been charged, there are aspects of your case that you can handle on your own. While some people try to handle their whole case on their own, it's important to understand when a lawyer will be able to help you during the course of your case. If you are considering a guilty plea because the evidence against you is strong, you can still work with a lawyer who may be able to plea bargain for you and get the punishment for your charges reduced.